Diet debut: Suga takes centre stage

Suga Yoshihide, Japan’s prime minister, addressed the Diet today, as parliament commenced its first new session since he took office on September 16th. Covid-19 topped the agenda. Though Japan has done relatively well at managing the virus, keeping the economy healthy will probably require another round of stimulus. Those extra funds may help Mr Suga’s other priorities, such as digitising government services. He also announced a plan for Japan to go carbon neutral by 2050, bringing its targets in line with those of the European Union. Opposition parties will seek to keep attention on Mr Suga’s exclusion of six scholars who have been critical of Abe Shinzo, his predecessor, from a government science-advisory body, a move some have called an assault on academic freedom. Questions remain over whether Mr Suga, a consummate behind-the-scenes operator, can handle the limelight. Today was a big test.

Oct 26th 2020
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